
Morning Hatha Yoga

The morning hatha yoga class will rejuvenate your soul, mind and body. The practice includes mantras chanting, asanas and pranayama to stimulate all your senses and body. Hatha yoga is the most traditional form of yoga practice and a daily practice benefits your body and mind tremendously. Our teachers will guide you on every aspect of the asanas practice and breathing exercises.

The drop-in classes need no registration and can be joined any time. You just need to arrive and start practicing.

Yoga Nidra Meditation

Yoga nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During the practice of yoga nidra, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. The state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. If the consciousness can be separated from external awareness and from sleep, it becomes very powerful and can be applied in any ways, for example, to develop memory, increase knowledge and creativity, or transform one’s nature. Apart from experiencing it yourself, you will be guided how to use it with your students as a teacher.

Sound Healing Meditation

Tibetans have used sound healing bowls for centuries for health and meditation purposes. Sound is a vibration and so are we. We can tune into this vibration through sound healing to bring our mind, body, and soul back into harmony. The sound created by these bowls helps you achieve a deeper state of meditation and a stronger connection to our body. The sound is not only heard but felt as well. When we achieve this state we become aligned and create a space where health and healing get into balance. This creates a state of harmony where our body and mind can relax and our nervous system starts to boost our immune system. Sound healing is therapeutic at a physical level and helps to reduce stress disorders, pain, and most forms of disease and on an emotional level where depression, anxiety and past traumas can be processed.


Acroyoga combines yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage. All this while working on communication and listening skills since you are working with others as well. Sometimes we can only experience ourselves through others and Acroyoga is the perfect example of that. We get to catch ourselves on how we communicate with others, how we listen to others and how this interaction can be reflected in our day to day life. Acroyoga can be solar or lunar depending on the practice. Solar practices include acrobatics and strength-based poses. Lunar practice becomes therapeutic, where the goal is to let go of control and surrender. Through Acroyoga we become in tune with ourselves and our surroundings and bring awareness and softness into our lives.

Ecstatic Yoga

Ecstatic dance is based on free movement. It’s tuning in with your body and allowing it to move how it wants to move. Leaving your shoes, phone and ego outside, ecstatic dance helps you connect to the moment. Ecstatic dancing is freedom of expression and liberates your mind from stigmas and previous concepts that have been building up in you. There are no sets of moves that need to be followed, and there is no judgment on the dance floor. People can let go and fully unite body, mind, and soul with the music. Through dance, people achieve a state of trance where you stop thinking and fully embrace the present moment.

Ecstatic dancing has been happening for centuries. It’s in our nature, the same way we used to dance for the rain to come or used to dance around a fireplace. It’s a tribal dance that reminds you of what it is to be human. Everybody can do it and dance themselves into this state of trance; you just have to be willing to do so. Ecstatic dancing creates a safe place where you can be yourself.

The only rules that apply are:

No drugs No alcohol No cellphone No shoes No judgment